DISEASE Brucellosis
you know that animals are pregnant can miscarry. One of the causes of
miscarriages are caused by the disease Brucellosis. If you have lost livestock
in late pregnancy of 6 months and up, brucellosis should be suspected.
disease brucellosis can cause: - Abortion Death of Unborn Child Stuck Uri
Declining Fertility Rate Reduction of milk production. These are germs in the
uterus during pregnancy and can exit through the circulating womb, the child
who died and milk. Usually infection occurs through food and water contaminated
with the germ. Bull reproductive system can also be infected by the disease.
Bacteria will attack the testicles and ducts and will be in a bull semen. The
disease can be detected through symptoms of miscarriage and confirmed by a
blood test. The disease brucellosis has been gazetted as a disease control. All
incidents must be reported to miscarriage District Veterinary Office nearby.
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