Tuesday, 24 November 2015

Feedlot Cattle Size

Fattening system requires cattle feedlot young giant always be in a cage, fed substandard food and water to taste; so the cows could quickly reach the ideal weight for slaughter.

In this way young calves on the original weight of 150-200 kg. will be fattened to a final weight between 350-400 kg. within about 6 months. Food grade used in the form of a single formulation such as PKC or PKC bran mix with other food ingredients such as grasses and agricultural wastes other.

This feedlot rearing is a commercial oriented venture, either as a source of additional income or as income from operations primarily conducted full-time. Since it is commercially oriented, input cost savings and production efficiency should be emphasized. All costs are borne by the farmer and no subsidies granted by the Department of the service animal.

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