Tuesday, 24 November 2015

Feedlot Cattle Size

Fattening system requires cattle feedlot young giant always be in a cage, fed substandard food and water to taste; so the cows could quickly reach the ideal weight for slaughter.

In this way young calves on the original weight of 150-200 kg. will be fattened to a final weight between 350-400 kg. within about 6 months. Food grade used in the form of a single formulation such as PKC or PKC bran mix with other food ingredients such as grasses and agricultural wastes other.

This feedlot rearing is a commercial oriented venture, either as a source of additional income or as income from operations primarily conducted full-time. Since it is commercially oriented, input cost savings and production efficiency should be emphasized. All costs are borne by the farmer and no subsidies granted by the Department of the service animal.

Balanced foods

Protein substances   
Minimum 14%
Energy Metabolism 
Minimum 10.6 Mj / kg
Minerals Calcium 
Minimum 0.65%
Minerals Phosphorus
Minimum 0.45%
Between 0.50- 1.0%
Vitamins A & D
Minima 2200 and 300 IU / kg
Substances conclusions 
Minimum 15%
not limmit

6.2 Types of Food

  There are various kinds of ingredients that can be   used to project feedlot cattle. For example,    forage, silage, grain and agricultural waste  materials and industrial materials. Among them  are as follows:

Fresh grass, hay, silage
Corn, wheat bran, gluten feed Corn, sorghum
Protein materials 
Soy bran, peanut bran, rice bran, green beans
Agricultural Waste Materials
Palm oil - palm kernel cake, sludge oil, palm fronds
Rice bran, broken rice, rice straw
Black sugar (molasses), sugar cane bagasse, sugarcane
Copra bran
The rest of the kitchen
Rice surplus, head of bread, fruit leather
Sweet corn   
Corn stalks (Deleted, in silage)
Fish manure
Cocoa pod
Chip stem thatch, sago Dregs

Profile Brahman and Simmental Cattle


Profile Brahmin

Brahman Country of origin: Bos indicus, India. Has the following characteristics which have a large hump on the top of the shoulder and neck; "Processes" curled just under the hump and elongated and has a firm tissue covering it; behaviors often bent over and sometimes backward; have big ears and dangled; neck skin that is spreading; producing foul-smelling oil that can help repel insects. A variety of colors from light gray or red, so that there is a black. and mostly light gray or medium gray. The bull is usually darker than cows and often have a black spot on the shoulder or down the leg. Medium size, - Weight of male and female 1.00 to 1.400 from 1.600 to 2.200 lbs lbs; children 60-65 lbs and fast growing. Hardy and can adapt to circumstances; heat resistance, satisfactory milk production; The percentage of real meat (dressing) is high. - Carcasses are good and worth with a minimum fat content.

Simmental Cattle Characteristics

  • Skin color varies from golden yellow, white, where the colors evenly throughout the body. If the American Simmental cattle in different colored predominantly black or red
  • White head on top.
  • The majority of pigment around the eyes, use to help reduce eye problems when exposed to sunlight.
  • Horns Weight of adult males are able to achieve moderate weight 1150 kg 800 kg adult female


DISEASE Brucellosis
Did you know that animals are pregnant can miscarry. One of the causes of miscarriages are caused by the disease Brucellosis. If you have lost livestock in late pregnancy of 6 months and up, brucellosis should be suspected.

The disease brucellosis can cause: - Abortion Death of Unborn Child Stuck Uri Declining Fertility Rate Reduction of milk production. These are germs in the uterus during pregnancy and can exit through the circulating womb, the child who died and milk. Usually infection occurs through food and water contaminated with the germ. Bull reproductive system can also be infected by the disease. Bacteria will attack the testicles and ducts and will be in a bull semen. The disease can be detected through symptoms of miscarriage and confirmed by a blood test. The disease brucellosis has been gazetted as a disease control. All incidents must be reported to miscarriage District Veterinary Office nearby.

Meet Recipe

Beef Curry Recipe

Slaughter courses Cow

Slaughter courses Cow

Issues Inhibiting Progress Field In the Past

Issues Inhibiting Progress Field In The Past.
Efforts to develop goat breeding project has been undertaken by the Department since the First Malaysia Plan again (1960-1965). To date, the estimated RM50 million was spent for the development of the sector, including sheep farming. Among the factors are as follows:
1.      Lack and the difficulty of finding a quality breed.
2.      diseases, particularly helminth infections and inflammation of the lungs (pneumonia)
3.      Breeding unplanned.
4.      Quality nutrition is low.
5.      Production of livestock that is not planned.